
We, Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, commit ourselves by profession of vows to:

  • Manifest God’s universal compassion through inclusive non-dominating relationships of love.
  • Trust in God’s Providence and live in a manner that affirms the right of all to a just share of the earth’s resources.
  • Discern together the voice of the Spirit that has called us to be one in our diversity.
  • In the spirit of Francis, Clare, and Elizabeth Hayes, we promote ever-widening circles of communion as we:
  • Open ourselves to a life of continued conversion in response to the call of the Gospel.
  • Identify with the victim, the poor and the marginalized in seeking a peace built on justice.
  • Reverence creation, acknowledging the right of all God’s creatures to enjoy its blessings.
  • Address the need within ourselves for repentance, forgiveness and healing while promoting a message of reconciliation.